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Innovators in nutrition, health and beauty. Read more about our new company at or continue here to read more on the incredible solutions and services that we offer.

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Company Details

Primary Industry: Food tech

HQ Location: London, UK

Founded: 2019

Employees: 5

Manufacturing: UK


Key Personnel

Thomas Gurry


Katherine Stennett


Caitlin Hall


Financials & Funding

Maturity: Revenue-generating

Funding: Approximately €2m

Company Introduction

myota is a science and tech-based platform developing fibrebased aiming to treat and prevent chronic disease. We leverage state-of-the-art science about the role of microbiome and dietary fibres in gut health to develop precision fibre mixes that target chronic diseases. In parallel to our D2C offering, we conduct clinical trials in target clinical indications with the intention of obtaining EFSA health claims, thus unlocking new B2B opportunities.


Product Portfolio & Key Technologies

Metabolic Regulator: description: a fibre mix tailored to metabolic health and Type-2 diabetes prevention
Immunity Regulator: description: a fibre mix optimized for antiinflammatory effects and immune regulation.
Gut Regulator: description: a fibre mix optimized for IBS sufferers, improving symptoms while minimizing bloating
myota microbiome kit: description: a diagnostic kit that analyses a customer’s microbiome fermentation capability


M&A, Partnerships or Customers



Link to Precision Nutrition

We design precision mixes of dietary fibre that account for differences between individuals in their gut microbiome’s ability to ferment different fibres, which is a critical component of a health-promoting diet.

Our Request


1. Financial Resources
2. Supplier / Customer Relationship
3. Research collaborations
4. Functional food partnership opportunities



Myota Limited, 3 Waterhouse Square, 138-142 Holborn, London EC1N 2SW, UK


Thomas Gurry
Co-Founder and CEO  |  +41797908227

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