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Innovators in nutrition, health and beauty. Read more about our new company at or continue here to read more on the incredible solutions and services that we offer.



Company Details

Primary Industry: Life Science R&D

HQ Location: UK, Cambridge

Founded: 2008

Employees: 138

Manufacturing: N/A


Key Personnel

Anthony Finbow


Gavin Horn


Radouane Oudrhiri


Financials & Funding

Maturity: Generating revenue

Funding: $17M

Company Introduction

Eagle Genomics’ innovation platform, the e[datascientist]™, unlocks the reusability and reproducibility of data for evidence-based product claims, in minutes rather than months – reducing ‘trial and error’ and helping to bring novel, safer and more sustainable products to market across the food, personal care, cosmetics and agritech industries.


Product Portfolio & Key Technologies

Eagle Genomics’ award-winning AI-driven knowledge discovery platform, e[datascientist]™ integrates and streamlines R&D.


Eagle Genomics uses the term ‘trusted data fabric’ to describe the data structure that is the foundational element on the e[datascientist]™ platform. The e[datascientist]™ empowers users to explore and analyse constellations of fully enmeshed owned and external multi-omics and real-world data, placing these into a multi-dimensional context.


The platform guides scientists through the full stages of R&D processes, including through the various phases of hypothesis development and testing, as well as data analysis, ultimately surfacing critical connections and multi-causal relationships.


The result is that users can generate novel microbiome insights, including evidence to support product claims – all at unprecedented speed, paving the way for novel product design.


M&A, Partnerships or Customers

Partnerships: Earlham Institute, Quadram Institute
Customers: Unilever, Cargill


Link to Precision Nutrition

Data valorisation in microbiome & beyond for Firmenich & its partners in Precision Nutrition via Eagle Genomics’ platform, the e[datascientist]™, that harnesses multidimensional data to enable accelerated product innovation including applications with pre- pro- and post-biotics, the development of new molecules, digital tools, and generating novel product claims.

Our Request


1. Financial Resources
2. Use of the EG e[datascientist]™ platform in Firmenich projects or with partners
3. Supplier / Customer Relationship



The Biodata Innovation Centre, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1DR UK


Artem Khlebnikov
Director, Bioeconomy, Food & Nutrition
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