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Fragrance: CreateForGood™: 2. Engage Conscious Consumer

Step 2

Engage Conscious Consumer

Understand and engage with the Conscious Consumer globally



We have entered an era where consumers are demanding brands to engage. They are shifting the nature of the fragrance industry and pushing brands to develop products that support their daily choices and lifestyles.
Brands can go beyond story-telling and shift to story-proofing with an integrated perspective, defining where they focus, how they differentiate their products, and why consumers should trust their brand.

Global Study

Conscious Consumer Engagement

Conscious Consumer engagement is a global movement. Our Conscious Consumer research with 5,000 consumers across four regions, demonstrates that consumers support conscious consumption via four main motivational factors: strong environmental convictions, pragmatic health concerns, personal image and reputation, and brands.

With a thorough understanding of expectations, as well as claims which resonate with the conscious consumer, we have learned that brands can leverage the grounding values of Smart Transparency, Human Centric, and Positive Science in their product development and communication.


Conscious Consumer
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