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Company Details

Primary Industry: Microbiome ingredients

HQ Location: Cleveland, USA

Founded: 2016

Employees: Add 14

Manufacturing: N/A


Key Personnel

Afif Ghannoum


Mahmoud Ghannoum


Sam Schatz


Financials & Funding

Maturity: Generating revenue

Funding: Approx. $12.5 million

Company Introduction

Microbiome is an increasingly important area of wellness. Companies in food, beverage and nutrition have a continuing need for microbiome product innovation.


BIOHM is able to serve that need, through utilizing its proprietary microbiome database to identify unique microbiome profiles that allow for targeted product development.


Product Portfolio & Key Technologies

BIOHM has accumulated one of the largest datasets in the world of bacterial and fungal microbiome samples.


It also has proprietary microbiome testing software platform. BIOHM maintains a portfolio of issued and applied for patents on its technology platform.


M&A, Partnerships or Customers

BIOHM has strong relationships with various partners that enable its success, ranging from Case Western School of Medicine to its fermenting and manufacturing partners


Link to Precision Nutrition

BIOHM uses its proprietary microbiome database to identify unique microbiome profiles. Based on those unique profiles, BIOHM then develops targeted ingredients and formulations to address those profiles.

Our Request


BIOHM is interested in building microbiome collaboration partnerships with companies that are looking to develop protectable microbiome innovation for their product and/or ingredient portfolio.



425 Literary Road, Cleveland OH 44113


Afif Ghannoum, CEO

LinkedIn and 216-233-7834

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