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Innovators in nutrition, health and beauty. Read more about our new company at or continue here to read more on the incredible solutions and services that we offer.



Company Details

Primary Industry: Biotechnology

HQ Location: Zurich, Switzerland

Founded: 2015

Employees: 13

Manufacturing: Lab scale in house


Key Personnel

Dr. Tomas de Wouters


Dr. Gabriel Leventhal


Prof. Christophe Lacroix


Prof. Gerhard Rogler


Financials & Funding

Maturity: Preclinical-stage drug development

Funding: CHF 10 M total investments dilutive and non-dilutive

Company Introduction

Vision: We decipher microbiome complexity to make the microbiome an integral part of human health management.


Our proprietary microbiome analysis tool - NicheMapTM links microbiome composition to microbiome activity.


The NicheMapTM is a well curated and quantitative reference database with an unprecedented predictive power for the response of complex microbiomes to specific nutrients and the stratification of the response within a population.


Product Portfolio & Key Technologies

The NicheMapTM combines biology-based insights with big data, allowing:

  • biomarker discovery
  • supplement design and development
  • prediction of microbiome response to nutritional interventions


The COMIT platform combines the NicheMapTM with our consortium assembly and co-cultivation technologies to develop first-in-class microbiome therapeutics with highly controlled microbiome modification activities.


M&A, Partnerships or Customers

PharmaBiome developed a fully integrated microbiome development platform and seeks for strategic collaboration in the fields of: microbiome production technologies, design of prebiotics, prediction and personalization of nutrition.


Link to Precision Nutrition

We developed and validated the NicheMapTM in strategic collaborations showing its predictive power for validation and/or development of prebiotic fibers.


The NicheMapTM has shown a huge potential by solving the problem of personalized response prediction for prebiotics.

Our Request


We are looking for strategic partners to leverage our development platform beyond microbiome therapy development in fields like: personalized nutrition, animal health, production of multi-strain probiotics.


We are looking for strategic investors to develop the COMIT platform towards clinical proof of concept.



Wagistrasse 27, 8952 Schlieren, Switzerland


Dr. Tomas de Wouters, CEO
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